Today’s topic may make you rethink how you cook your meals, i.e., more salads and less flame-roasted burgers!
It has to do with a gooey, disease-promoting substance that can build up in your body because of
1) the foods you eat and 2) how you prepare them.
Here’s a visual: picture your grill after you’ve just finished cooking.
You know all those sticky bits that glue themselves to the surface?
Those bits are like the Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) or “glycotoxins” that can build up in your system.
AGEs are linked with premature aging, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure, heart disease, high blood sugar, and more.
They can form when a protein or fat combines with sugar in your bloodstream.
They also can form in foods that have been exposed to high temperatures (grilling, frying, roasting, etc.).
They cause oxidative stress and inflammation in your body. The good news is that you have some built-in ways to get rid of AGEs, BUT …
If you eat too many of them or too many form inside of you, your body can have a hard time keeping up.
A quick list of foods high in AGEs:
Here’s how to help slow them down from forming in your body:
So can make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
Knowledge is power – and taking steps to avoid AGEs now can help you take more control over your health into the future.
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