When you are in the middle of a workout and it starts to get hard, what do you do?
Here’s another example:
Over the past few days, you’ve been swapping out your not-so-healthy snack with healthier choices. Suddenly you are hit with a MAJOR craving for cookies — but you’re not even that hungry. What do you do?
Here’s a sneaky secret about both of those scenarios that very few coaches are willing to talk about.
Making changes – even healthy changes — can be HARD sometimes.
It’s because you’re moving out of your comfort zone … which is a good thing!
“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett
It’s a sign you’re making REAL progress. Not just physically, but also mentally.
And things WILL get easier. And easier. And easier.
And soon you won’t even have to think about it that much … because it’ll become a HABIT.
Remember: you don’t have to do this alone!