Here’s a fact: even if you love veggies, it can be hard to get the required amount (2 to 3 cups a day).
And that’s a shame, because veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that your body needs to function at its very best.
If this is something you struggle with, I’ve got some easy ideas to help you ramp up your veggie intake:
… and stir them into scrambled eggs, soups, potatoes, casseroles, etc. When they are minced, you barely notice them!
Start by finding ways to add them to the easiest meal (probably dinner), and then when you master that, move on to another meal.
Decide it’s not a balanced meal if it doesn’t contain veggies, and then get on it!
Experiment with adding sauces and spices to your veggies. This makes a huge difference!
Try adding carrot or pumpkin puree, spinach, and/or mushrooms to your burgers or meatloaf.
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